Monday, July 18, 2016


little word of wisdom card

The Jewel of the Wolf is this...

 Look deep at truth telling. Hold straight your path of Self within packs. 
Wolf helps us to re-establish our values within a family. Wolf holds creative fire, and beckons us to examine intuition in relationships. Adventure into realms you may not be familiar with. Ask yourself these questions. 

Do not deter to a wolf in sheeps clothing. 

Truth telling comes full circle in running with wolves. 
Speak it as it is. 
And listen long to the howl.

"Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" pencil and acrylic on joint compound and wood

Pour Yourself another Cup'a

"Another Cup of  Fuck" acrylic, pencil and wax -2016 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

365 Days of Truth #2

"Lemon" journal spread 2014

I don't need medication and I don't need to "try it"
I can change my life


  Me -June 2012

She was free in her wildness. 
She was a wanderess, a drop of free water. 
She belonged to no man and to no city.
-Roman Payne

Saturday, July 16, 2016

365 Days of Truth #1

"Lemon" -journal spread 2014

The amount of deep sorrow is fucking ridiculous.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

In a Dark Way

me in the yard at the yellow house

In a Dark Way
my heart beats like a 
trapped and dying animal
like a re-opened wound
or soft fresh scab

it aches with truth
trying to escape
looking for a fruitful branch
a wise old tree
or mothering

my heart bleeds itself open
dripping small red dots
that smell like
the frozen biting wind

it pulsates raw knowing
splatterings of shut valves
plugged ducts
a brokenness
only some know

my heart carries me
it reminds me
it hears me
and it sees me
in a dark way
full and red and bursting
