Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Me or Bust! Countdown to Vision!

Vision Quest Road Trip Sign 
-sylvanfairy    cardboard, acrylic, collage, pencil and what not

Cool. The Countdown to Vison Quest 2014 has started. Basically 12 hours to go!

The only pre-quest-ness I need to post is this lovely poem Anne Hopestill-Paulus left me with. 
It has been etched on her (literally), and is now etched on me (not literally).

The more I read it the more I feel Alive. 
It seems so fitting for a pre-quest post.

As kingfishers catch fire, dragonflies dráw fláme;
As tumbled over rim in roundy wells
Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell’s
Bow swung finds tongue to fling out broad its name;
Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:
Deals out that being indoors each one dwells;
Selves—goes itself; myself it speaks and spells,
Crying Whát I do is me: for that I came. 

-Gerard Manley Hopkins

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Childhoods Witnessed

Childhoods Witnessed

I made ravioli once after you climbed in the window.
I probably shouldn’t have though,
it was canned ravioli.

I probably shouldn’t have done a lot of things.

jasper and me

When I was alive,
I wished for her.

"birthday wish"  -sylvanfairy      oil stick etc. on wood-board

I felt a spooky whisper on the day I wished it.
It was sunny and I was standing by the side of my bed.
My room was puke purple,
or headache pink,

ruby wish and me

If y'all died,
I would lie down in the road,
or vise versa
I can’t remember.
Someone would hold my hand.
and do the same,
or vise versa.

My aunt blew up in a plane when I was very young and
they say pieces of her were scattered
over the city.
My mom cried in a howling sound
and we thought it was all about the dog
because we were sent outside with hotdogs to feed it.

I love my sister
But I don’t think she knows how much.

"jordan in fairy form" -sylvanfairy      mixed media on canvas

and I crunched through it all,
hands on my back,
butt on a ball.

My blood pressure went up a couple of times.

sylvanfairy art journal pages

I am in the process of finding
some treasure
that is most likely
I can’t wait,
even though I know it will take a lifetime.

"windswept" -sylvanfairy    mixed media on watercolor paper

Oh, and now, when I get in the car and drive away from our house,
my anxiety careens off freakin' track if I don’t tuck people in bed.
I am supposed to, I think.
I’m always looking at that.
Am I here?
But I left.
Should I go back?

I was abandoned one thousand times or more.
And not just by my parents
when I was young,
and old.

"the yellow house" -sylvanfairy       acrylic and pencil on wood-board

Friends and lovers left me.
And I am still marked up.

"jenny" -sylvanfairy      mixed media on canvas

Some of my extensions don’t reach out.
They think I am cracked nuts.
They don’t know my story.

"nothing stays"  -sylvanfairy     collage mixed media on canvas

Don't pretend you know me if you don't
and don't judge me if you do
You never asked
and I never told. 

sylvanfairy art journal pages

“You were a good kid” I breath, 
or my heart beats.
“And I love everything about you!”

You make me crumble to pieces,
just by walking by,
each of you.
I will die with you on my mind…
Last thing,
before I

cisco swift

I live in me.

I feel colors.

I saturate my soul visually.

I sneak away to an imagined home
where there’s a daily paper,
green over grown grass,
grand semi-scripted fairy stories
in painted orchards
with daddy long legs all about.

I know exactly what I look like
and what I want to wear.
And I try not to smoke.
But I do.

me midsummer's eve

I drape my pain in fabric,
and wash it out with titanium white.

Pencil over parts.

Spread it out on a large flat board
to dry

like a storybook page or
cryptic message
ready for processing

-June 2011

"my secret birthday" -sylvanfairy    mixed media on canvas

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Vision Quest ~ Tea Stories

I have been sharing tea with a few specific mentors lately, as part of my Vision Quest.

It started out with a funny little thought that I had about questing for the perfect cup of Chai here in Seattle. I mentioned it to Sarah Bear (the fairy I had actually all ready received the perfect cup of Chai from last December). She thought my tangent Tea Quest sounded worthy. I smiled and moved forward in thought.

sylvanfairy ~ Art Journal

Then, about a week later, a lovely heart and soul named Anne Paulus came for a semi-surprise visit. (she was, and still is, on my list of "people to talk with" for the Vision Quest) Although I did not have time to officially get my thoughts and questions in order I felt unfettered by the emerging possibility for open tea talk and sat her down at the rickety table in the fake studio office, or portal, as the desk fairy assumes.

Anne served something called 57 from Remedy Teas. Everything went well. We talked about the past upheaval at Moonpaper Tent, and her delightful projects in Staunton with Grimmcrackery.

As usual, when in a fairy world, the conversation swayed and moved from one place to the other entwining past and present, places and ideas. Sarah Bear and Vicki joined us, in and out, adding bits of information and thought to the evolving stories. My Vision Quest was in full swing. It was in action. In play. I shared my first  thoughts and lists with a round of applause and note taking.

I am not here to inspire, as I had originally thought.
I am here to create.
So, this validating applause was scooted past my Ego, and tucked into my forward movement as Self.

I AM NOT "doing the right thing".

I AM worthy of "doing this thing".

Which is just being me.
It doesn't matter here, with these tea creatures.
I can be anxious and skittish and open and closed and confused and curious.
I don't need to be upset if I make a typo. I can edit if I choose.
I soaked up the moment as a pleasant knowing I was participating in my life.

I went home.

sylvanfairy Vision Quest Tavel Log ~ page one

When I woke up I realized that my Tea Quest was NOT for the perfect cup of Chai, but for the imperfect moments of sharing thought. I emailed Sarah Bear, the Tea Fairy, and asked her if she would teach me about tea. I need to know about tea because I believe it is magical, and potion related, and spiritual, and therefore relates to my Quest. She said she thought it would be amazing. And it is. We have tea every Thursday at 2:00. Come to the Fairy Theater if you want to join us.

tea from the Tea Fairy ~ Sarah Bear

We are keeping a tea journal.
(Re-usable research for any quest you may be on as well.)
This last week we spoke of insects.
Crickets that sing like angels.
We spoke of trees, wondering what their song sounds like.
We spoke of mushrooms, and visions, and death.

sylvanfairy ~ Art Journal

This is the way Quests work. I am a Wayfarer.
You start out searching for what you think you need to find (like yourself, or the perfect cup of Chai), and instead find a whole 'nother thing... (like your other self, and tea power, tea creatures, and tea stories)

This is the kind of wandering I plan to do this next year.

the perfect cup of Chai How-To from Sarah

My Related Quest Research: please explore these links if you like.

The Hermitage ~ a story of traveling and paths that cross for reason. One of my all time favorite blogs.

Spirit Cloth ~ I have been thinking a lot about fabric. The threads and weavings of life.

Consciousness ~ a beautiful comfort

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Vison Quest ~ Stacking Up

In preparation for the Quest I have started my first "Book Pile". Of course I will add, but for now I have a stack that'll work.

I don't mind reading more than one book at a time.

In fact, I like it.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Vision Quest ~ Thinking about a trip

It's official....I have decided to go on a trip. I'm calling it a Vision Quest.
(My oldest is calling it a mid-life crisis, and maybe it is, but I like Vision Quest better, it seems so much more fulfilling, and dynamic, and blessed.)

Basically, for one year, I am going to explore my very own dreams, and ideas, and longings-for!

I am going to look, and see, and hear, and feel. (And journal, and blog, and create)

I am going to re-invent my business, focus my direction, re-shape my current surroundings to accommodate my adventures, and follow my heart.

I haven't been this excited about a project in a long while!

"Choosing" 2013    

Here is a little list of some of what I am going to do on my Vision Quest...
  • make lists about things on this list
  • make other lists and flow charts to research myself
  • only do projects that feed me (creatively or monetarily)
  • study things that make me glow 
  • go fascinating places to do art
  • interview and talk with mentors I adore (or think I adore, or semi stalk)
  • take yoga, meditate, and run
  • do art every day
  • avoid pressure
  • explore new business models and ideas while sustaining some aspects of my current business
  • change direction
  • celebrate 
This will all take place within my creative mind and spaces (with a few jaunts elsewhere).

I am going to pack and get ready...
I need to make and check maps, my itinerary, chart routes, count my supplies...

I will share the whole process in word and art.

Starting now.

Join me?

Friday, June 28, 2013

What you don't know

I want to tell my real story; my life experience

I want to inspire.

I want to live compassionately.

I might want to delete and erase.

It ain't pretty.

My life is a chaotic mess of raising 6 kids (and a husband) and all the mistakes we make. All the imperfections that makes us real. All the yelling, and fighting, and throwing. All the counseling and pain. The disfunctional we try to make functional. All the magical moments, snuggles, and laughter. All of the moments one of us wanted to move out. The friendships between us, and  the break ups we have with each other . The food fights and swearing. The hugs, and the kisses, and the babies. The times we thought we were actually crazy, or one of our family members might be. All of the pet poop, and dirty underwear....ALL of the writing on the wall.

I really only want to be some kind of creative soul that raises my kids up to be good humans. Maybe some sort of validation for each of those things would be good too. Possibly on a weekly basis.

Wylie Brier, Racer Boon, Cisco Swift around 2009

Monday, June 17, 2013

amazing moment

So, I went to a little art retreat, "Sugar and Spice" by Art-ology and hosted by Anna Nasset (of AOT) in Port Townsend and I had the MOST amazing time of all times. Each and every woman there (about 15 total) became instant kindred souls.
My life as a mother of 6 is chaotic at best.
I am in a funky place.
It was such a comfort to feel so free and accepted for just being me with my story.

My first class with Danielle Daniel was everything good.

"Spring Ritual" -sylvanfairy